
分类:中学教育 时间:2020-05-05

1.That's the best / worst of it! 那最好(糟)了!

2.I dare you to say that again! 我谅你不敢说那话!

3.It was mean of you to eat all the peaches! 你把桃子全吃光了,真不害羞!

4.Now you've mixed me up completely! 你可把我完全弄糊涂了!

5.You can't / don't fool me! 你骗不了(不要骗)我!

6.He's done well!他做得好!


7.There must be some mistakes! 一定有什么错了!

8.You'll catch it if you're not careful! 你若是不小心是会挨骂的!

9.Go it! 继续努力!

10.Just feel the weight of this box!试试看这箱子有多么重!

11.Keep at it! 继续下去!不要放弃!

12.Don't cut your fingers off!不要把你的手指割断了!

13.Do stop that noise! 不要吵!

14.Do give over! 停止!

15.Isn't she a dear! 她岂不是个可爱的人!

16.Isn't the wind strong! 多强的风啊!

17.Don't the roses smell sweet! 多芳香的玫瑰花!

18.Didn't he do well! 他做得多好啊!

19.May you both be happy! 祝你们两位幸福!

20.Is she mad! 她疯得很哩!

21.Can she type! 她字打得多好啊!

22.Did he annoy me! 他多惹我生气哟!

23.How dare he say such rude things about me! 他怎敢说出这样对我不礼貌的话!

24.How dare you have the impudence to say that! 你竟敢如此无礼,说出那种话来!



